More About Me, and a Hunt for Gold.

Hello! I am back tonight to share some more about myself and my ESL program.  I teach in a K-8 school, and my teammate and I split the grades.  I teach grades 1, 2, 3, 4, and a class of 7th and 8th graders.  My teammate (who is wonderful!) has K, 5, 6, a class of newcomer students, and a class of 7th and 8th graders.  Some of my classes are mixed grades, and all are mixed proficiency levels.  I am entirely pull out, and she pushes in for K. 

For my 3rd and 4th grade mixed class, I do Daily 5 and Guided Reading.  I have 90 minutes with them, so I see two groups (usually!) a day, at least twice a week.  1st through 3rd grade follows an RTI model, so I pull my kids out during that period. What is your ESL program like?

In first grade our guided reading book this week was about gold, so I created an entire unit based on it.  Today, as a culminating activity, we went on a hunt through the school for gold and recorded our findings.  They were so adorable in the hallway, debating whether or not a star was yellow or gold! In the office, they went crazy for the buttons on our VP's jacket.  They had to speak English to the office staff, which was great because sometimes the only people they speak English to are myself and their classroom teacher.  It was a really awesome activity. 

Here they are filling in their recording sheet after we got back from our hunt.  So studious!

"I found gold in the hallway, hallway, board, eagle in the library, office.  I like gold flowers."

I found gold in the hallway, board, eagle in the library, tree and button, snowman.  I like the gold hat."

"I found gold in the hallway, board, eagle in the library, office, tree and button.  I like the gold in the office because have lot gold in it."
Adorable! You can pick up the recording sheet, plus lots of other gold centers and an adapted version of The Golden Goose at my TPT store.  Just click here!  I'm interested to hear what the ESL programs are like at your schools-  push in, pull-out, mixed? Let me know!