February Currently

I'm linking up with Farley at Oh' Boy 4th Grade for my first Currently!

1. I love that Gilmore girls is on practically all day on Saturdays and Sundays.  Don't you wish you lived in Stars Hollow? Also, my husband is cooking dinner.  And let it be known, he volunteered!  He's a good cook, when he does cook, but I generally do most of the cooking because I am a control freak. In a good way.

2. We both needed shoes, so we went to Macy's and DSW.  I get claustrophobic in the women's section of Macy's shoes, though, so we skedaddled really quickly.  DSW is having a huge clearance sale, FYI- and I got three pairs of shoes that I will very happily debut this week.

3. Donating shoes is something I started in college- partly to make room and partly because the Goodwill down the street really had a need for them.  So every time I buy a pair, I donate at least two more.

4. Long-term goals for me are in administration, just like my dad.  Who wants me to be a lawyer and a doctor at the same time, and possibly win a Nobel Peace Prize.  Love you, Dad.  But in all seriousness, I'd like to find a doctoral program that will allow me to get my Principal/Supervisor CE ASAP.

5. I need Zumba. Anyone want to take it with me?

6. My pet peeves are people who say one thing and do another. Or, people who tell one person one thing and then tell another person something else.  Also, the cat upstairs is very active and likes to jump from (I believe) couch to couch and zoom around. I'm a dog person.

Enjoy the Superbowl!
