Finding My Hall Pass

Boy oh boy did this week wear me out! But luckily, someone offered me a hall pass! I'm linking up with Tunstall's Teaching Tidbits for a Hall Pass Linky.


P- Product.  My favorite product right now is my Read Across the USA Reading Project.
 I'm just so excited to start flying across the USA with my students on Monday! I traced a map and put it up on our bulletin board, and on Monday my kids will add their names.  As we read, we will cross times zones for every 20 minutes they read at home. We will also learn a little bit about the states and learn a lot about patriotic songs.
A- Area.  I do love the reading area in my room, but I think my very favorite part of my classroom is my back wall.  It is actually a dividing wall, so it's covered with grey fabric.  I walked in over the summer and said, "Um, no." The idea to paper it came from the creative Halle, and it was a labor of blood, sweat, tears, and lots and lots of stretching. I love how bright and cheerful it makes my home away from home.
S- Signal.  I pushed-in to Halle's class last year and first heard her use Class/Yes, and really liked it, so I looked it up over the summer and found Whole Brain Teaching.  Now I use Class/Yes, Hands and Eyes, and I also use "Give me a T, E, A, M, what does that spell?" in increasing volume.

S- Sanity. Moments like this keep me sane. I know there is nothing that can possibly be wrong with my day when I have someone as sweet as this looking at me, waiting for me to help him spell a word. Also, my teaching partner keeps me sane- she tells me I'm type A/B, and she's type Z, and that's why we work so well together!  

Also, the awesome Amy at Eclectic Educating nominated me for the Liebster Award, so I'm going to answer the questions she asked.
1. How long have you been blogging? Since January 2013
2. Why did you start blogging? I had a teaching blog when I taught French, and it was a good way to keep a diary of my activities in the classroom, so I thought I would start one again.
3. What blogs do you love right now? I really like Eclectic Educating, Speech Peeps, Conversations in Literacy, Dainty Chef (cooking) and Duchess Kate (don't judge!).
4. What is your favorite linky party (if you participate)? 4th Grade Frolics' Monday Made It!
5. What is your favorite technology resource? Google images. I always tell the kids that Google is our best friend.
6. What is your favorite item in the classroom that you can't live without? My projector- for real!
7. How would you describe your teaching style? Hmmm.  I am always up for a teachable moment...not sure what style that is!
8. Why did you become a teacher? It's in my blood. Seriously. There was no getting out of it! My mom's a teacher, my dad's a principal, various other family members are in education.
9. What is the last book you read? Home by Toni Morrison
10. What do you do outside of school? I cook, bake, and think about school. Last semester I was an adjunct at a community college, and I might do that again soon.  I will also be starting a doctoral program soon.
11. What is the last trip you took? My husband and I went to Costa Rica for our anniversary in November.
Have a great weekend!