Valentine's Read-Aloud and Trail Mix

What do you do for Valentine's Day in your classroom?  I don't have a homeroom, so I won't be having any classroom parties, but I am planning to read a Valentine's book and share some snacks with my kids.

In 3rd and 4th grade, we have been hard at work on our Secret Valentine letters, and they are eating them up! I promise I will have pictures to share later this week- it is so much fun! I will be reading this book, which is a parody of the song "My Darling Clementine." It's hilarious!
The Ballad of Valentine (Picture Puffin Books)
If we have time, I might read Arthur's Valentine, since we have been writing our own Valentines.
Arthur's Valentine: Book & CD (Arthur Adventures)
While we read, we will eat Valentine's Trail Mix.  I debated about bringing in snacks, but something happened today to push me over the edge.  I got a little upset while talking to a colleague about a big project I'm working on at school, and some of my kids saw me crying. (I am a very emotional person.)  They hurried to make me Valentines and hide them in the mailbox on my desk without me noticing.  While I walked them back to class, they asked, "Mrs. M-C, are you sick?" and I told them I wasn't, but I thanked them for asking.  They said, "We left you a secret- look in your mailbox!" When I got back to my room and read their Valentines, I was so overcome with emotion and gratitude (of course I cried again) for these students who could tell I was upset and wanted to help.  So, long story short, I am bringing in something sweet to thank them.
I didn't take a picture of the popcorn- but that's a main ingredient.

I picked up the bags at a store called Five Below, and they are super cute!

Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you have a great day with your students and family!
