Take a Peek at My Week and a Giveaway

With two weeks and one day of school left, I am still plugging away with my students.  Here's a peek at next week's plans!

Grades 3 and 4: I tested 4th grade last week, so while they are on their field trip, 3rd grade gets to be my testing specimens.  Then we'll have a little fun in the sun, and hopefully finish reading The Chocolate Touch, which they are loving so very much.  I'm planning a Reader's Theater for the week after- get excited!

Grade 1: Did you ever read Bialosky's Special Picnic when you were a kid? It was one of my favorites.  I have to dig it out of my parents' attic when I go to their house this weekend.  It's picnic week for our 1st grade Storytown Guided Reader, so picnic we shall!

Grade 2: We just finished reading Poppleton, which was so much fun to read with my three boys.  They ate up Poppleton's vocabulary- he says things like, "What fun!" and "Certainly." Now my boys say those words too and it's adorable.  Anyway, with two weeks left I'm not going to start a new GR with them.  Instead, we'll do a compare and contrast lesson from my friend Amy to get them ready for 3rd grade.

Grades 7 and 8: Oh my goodness.  This is the research project from H.E. double hockey sticks- it's mandatory for the whole middle school.  Luckily I have been using this great pack from Smart Chick, called "How to Write a Research Report."  It has saved my sanity!  What would we do without TPT?

I'm so excited to work on my Lookin' Fine in the Sunshine glyph with my students! I want to have a nice bright bulletin board for summer school, and my students are pumped to design their own sunglasses!  

 Enjoy your weekend!