My Favorite Things Linky: Beauty Basics

I didn't start wearing make-up until I was about 14 years old...I was a bit of a tom-boy in middle school and balked against anything girly! I had only male cousins and wanted to prove I could hang with the boys.  Then I went to high school and had to wear a skirt everyday.  I also watched the movie "Clueless." My whole life turned upside down!  I went a little overboard, trying to be Cher, but eventually got the hang of it. Now I'm very protective of my little girls, and have a no-makeup-in-my-classroom  rule.  When they're older, I'll teach them how to do it right.  Link up with Halle to share your beauty story!

Favorite Graphic

First thing's first- hair.  I was blessed with super-straight shiny brown hair that gets blond and chestnut streaks in the summer, so I've never colored it.  I can wash and go, but it is somewhat fine so it falls flat.  I am always on the hunt for a product that gives me as much volume as a Miss America contestant.  Here's what I use:

I use the So Sexy from Victoria's Secret once a week in the shower as a masque, the Fresh Start when my hair gets greasy (too often!) and the argan oil two or three times a week on my ends.  I am in no way loyal to any volumizer...I go through them and haven't found one I can commit to.

Next, face.  I am 100% Italian, so I tan easily and I rarely get pimples- only during that time of the month.  I'm pretty low maintenance about my face. Here's what I use:

I've been using Neutrogena Deep Clean since I was in 7th Grade.  If they stop making it I don't know what I'll do! Pond's at night, Aveeno in the morning.  Wipes after the gym/beach, exfoliate once a week.  

Next, makeup.  Well, I thought I was low maintenance until I started taking pictures. 

Hmmm.  I see a noticeable lack of pink.  A trip to CVS is in order.  I do bronzer first, always in a backwards 3 motion, then blush on the apples of my cheeks.  

Eyes.  I have brown eyes that I like to play up, so I am constantly mixing colors.

Currently I'm using the bottom left Stila palette the most, but I try to use each at least once during the week.

L'Oreal Telescopic liquid eyeliner is my favorite; it lasts a really long time.  Mascaras may come and go, but I will never ever leave home for a trip without my eyelash curler.  

That's my beauty routine! What's in your cosmetic bag? Link up with Halle!

P.S.  The winner of my Johnny Appleseed and Subject Verb Agreement Pack Giveaway is....Emily from I Love My Classroom!  Congrats, Emily! I'll be emailing you!

P.P.S  Katie Orr over at Mind Sparks is having a huge giveaway- go and check it out!

P.P.P.S.  I'll be away next week, but I wish you a very fun and happy 4th of July!