Teachable Moments in the Snow

We are reading Snowflake Bentley in 4th grade, and one day this week it started to snow.  I had the kids grab their coats and we ran outside.  Luckily, the flakes were fat and fluffy, and stuck to the kids' hair and coats, which was exactly what I wanted.  Thank you, Mother Nature!

I  love these pictures!  I let them run around for a few minutes, then we gathered in a circle and counted how long it took for a snowflake to melt once it hit our hands, vs.  our coats or our hair. 

  It could not have been better timing, because just the day before we had read and watched about how snowflakes are formed. 

  The kids were full of science and math and language arts vocabulary all rolled into ESL.  I <3 teachable moments!