Hooray for March!

I <3 March! It seems like it will be in like a lion, so perhaps out like a lamb? Who knows!  It is the birthday month of a doctor who write books about hat wearing cats, it has an excuse to play fun tricks on students and blame it on little green men, and, it's my birthday month!  Fun from beginning to end is how I see it.  I'm starting off that fun by joining in with Farley and her tie-wearing deer for this month's Currently.

1. I love sitting in my upstairs "formal" living room.  My husband has kind of taken over our downstairs "family" room, where our big-screen tv is, leaving me the solitude and serenity of our bay window and sliding glass doors.  I'm actually perfectly happy with that!  I love to sit with a cup of tea and watch the neighborhood.

2.  Dude.  Kirkland's.  I usually make two trips- once by myself, and once with my husband to carry the heavy stuff.  It's kind of like Pier One meets Target Home meets Homegoods.  I went last night to scope it out and we're going back today for mission: art.

3.  My Diary series has been pretty popular on TPT, and really really popular in my classroom.  After Diary of a Pilgrim, my students kept asking me, "Are you going to write another diary?"  So I did, but I wrote it for my little guys.  My older kids were so jealous!! So when the Olympics rolled around, I wrote a Diary, and that one was the most popular one yet, which I'm so grateful for!  But I'm not sure which direction to go next...any suggestions?  What would you like to see?  One idea I had was Amelia Earhart...I'm open to suggestions though!

4. See #2.  We have some art from our apartment, but now we have a lot more walls so it means a lot more trips to Kirkland's! :)

5.  For Spring Break, we're going on a cruise! Must start exercising yesterday.

6.  Can you guess what Canterbury, Pennington, and Burgundy are?  If you guess right, you can choose something from my store!! Leave your email with your guess!

Happy Saturday, friends!  Hope you have a wonderful weekend!