Happy Summer! Five for Friday

I've had the "Summer" song from Frozen stuck in my head the last two days-  "Put me in summer and I'll be a...happy teacher!"  I'm linking up with Kacey from Doodle Bugs to share 5 things from my week.

1.  My summer guided reading books came! I'm so excited about these.  I read Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots with my 4th Grade ELL's and they begged me to read another one in the series.  I know we'll have lots of fun reading these this summer.

2. I may have gone overboard with the beach theme in my guest bedroom.  I am going to add more pictures as we take them, and I'm thinking about staining that mirror, but at least people can sleep in our house now!

3.  I borrowed my teaching partner's older students this week and put them to work leveling my library.  I should rephrase that and say we attempted to level my library.  There are too many books that don't come up in Book Wizard...what's up with that?  We got a lot done, but I still have to figure out a better system of labeling them.  

4. I drive over a one lane bridge on the way to work and on my way down the other side, this guy was smack in the middle.  I drove past him to where the road widens, then put on my hazards, pulled to the side, and hopped out.  Picture this: me in my bright yellow school spirit shirt, talking to an algae covered turtle at 6:20 am in the middle of the road: "Ok, I'm going to pick you up- don't go wriggling around.  Ok, I'm gonna set you down now...go find your friends.  The road is not your home."  I think he listened- he wasn't there when I drove home!

5. On my first day off from school I went in my office to pay a bill. I stopped short at the door and said, "Oh no.  This will not do."  I had let books, papers, gift wrap, and junk pile up in there and I could barely find anything.  So this is the before shot.  The big box on the far right is a desk from IKEA we picked up a few weekends ago- look for a Monday Made It Office Reveal coming soon!

We are off to New England this weekend to eat all the lobster.  Seriously.  Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. And maybe dessert.  See you soon!