Meet the Teacher Blogger Linky

What a great idea from Stephanie at Falling into First! Have you seen the other great link-ups from some fabulous bloggers? I couldn't resist joining in the fun!

That's me- Maria.  I'm 27 and live in South Jersey with my husband and new fur-baby, Lacey.  This is my 6th year teaching, 5th year teaching ESL, 4th year in my district.  I didn't major in education; I got my certification through the alternate route program, which was a great option for me.  I have taught French, Basic Skills, and ESL, and I'm currently working on my 2nd master's in administration.

This is us on our recent trip to Maine.  We had a great time in Kennebunkport and Freeport.  My husband and I met our freshman year of college and have been together ever since. 

This is Lacey, giving us her "What do you mean that's not a toy?" look.  She's a work in progress!

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things: 

The beach.  Reading books from the library.  Netflix binge watching.  Kirkland's. My grandmother's jewelry.  French food. Italian food.  Most food. 

If You Weren't a Teacher, What Would You Want to Be?

Although I majored in communication studies to be an anchorwoman, I'd probably be best at lawyer-ing or judge-ing.  But my dream job is to be the person who names the paint colors. Seriously.

Three Little Words That Describe You

Shrewd. Ambitious. Sensitive. 

Finish The Sentences, "_________" Said No Teacher Ever

"Why yes, I'll gladly work for free in the summer," said no teacher ever.

If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?

Act like a lady, think like a boss.

You Get to Pick One Superpower: What Is It?

Invisible Flying!

If You Had to Sing One Song on American Idol, What Would It Be?

"All About the Bass" Meghan Trainor
I <3 this song!

Are You a Morning Person or a Night Owl?

Morning.  I jump right out of bed when my alarm goes off and can't stand when other people *husband* press snooze. 16 times.

What's Your Favorite Resource in Your TPT Shop?

Whatever the newest is!  But I'm really proud of my Diary series- I work so hard on those babies and my students LOVE them- they ask, "When can we read another diary?"

This is an old picture- there are now 10 diaries in the series.
Something You Might Not Know About Me:

I'm left-handed.  I think I speak for all persons of handedness when I say we have a hard time writing on the board.  My left pinky is covered in ink by the end of every day.

Hope you enjoyed learning a little about me! Go check out all the other link-ups at Falling into First.