Dare To Dream #tptsellerchallenge

When I started my blog and store I was filling a need for resources that I couldn't find elsewhere.  I teach a very specific type of ESL students whose needs and abilities are often overlooked by the publishing world.  Frustrated, I decided to share my experiences so that maybe someone, somewhere, might find something useful when teaching newcomers or refugees. Over the years, my blog and store have transformed as my students and I have transformed, and it's been a fun-filled journey!

1.  ESL teachers, where are you!?!? I get lots of comments and emails from primary grade teachers, but very rarely hear from any ESL teachers.  I want to connect more and become a go-to resource for ideas and activities.

2. Looking forward a few years, I know I won't be in the classroom.  I've got my heart set on administration and I'm determined to get there sooner rather than later.  When that happens, I want this to be a place teachers and administrators can come for help with curriculum planning, scheduling, school events, collaboration, and technology.

3. So many blogging buddies are traveling to present at national and regional conferences, and I want that to be me one day! But with my little learner arriving in November, I'll probably have to put that dream on the back burner for a few years.  

4. Well that's a pipe dream if there ever was one! Right now I'm very happy to be able to use my TPT money to pay for our monthly house-cleaners and a few Starbucks lattes.  Eventually, I'd love to pay for our mortgage, and then vacations and...well, who knows!

Do you have a dream for your blog or store? Link up with #tptsellerchallenge!