Summer Bucket List

I'm linking up with the talented Deanna Jump to share my Summer Bucket List!  We have 17? (18? I can't remember) days of school left and my thoughts are definitely on that last bell of the year.

1. Make a climbing rose trellis to go behind my herb garden. 
 New England Arbors VA68201 Eden London Trellis - Outdoor Living Showroom

2. Go to the library! I try to read 3 books a week in the summer since I don't read during the year.  I don't have a book list, I just go to the "New Fiction" section in the library and browse.  That's one of my favorite summer things to do. 
2014 Must Read Books - list looks great!

3. Teach summer school! I'll be teaching 3 days a week for a few hours a day, just enough to keep me busy.  I'll be teaching my 3rd-5th graders...I'm thinking about reading this book whole group, then using our F&P readers for guided reading. 
 Pirates don’t wear pink sunglasses. | 31 Life Lessons Learned From The Bailey School Kids

4. Get a dog.... well, we need a fence first.  But we're working on that and I think over the summer would be the perfect time to train a puppy. My husband and I both like Australian Shepherds. 
australian shepherd puppy

5. Spend some quality time in Long Beach Island.  
Aerial Photo Long Beach Island, NJ

6. Visit some flea markets for antique treasures, just like on Flea Market Flip- love that show!
bits of the flea market through french larkspur's lense- great display idea for mirrors and misc. china

7. Go to some of NJ's great wineries- one we like has Down the Shore wines which are perfect for the beach! 

'Down The Shore' Wines from #Laurita #Winery in New Jersey

8. Try lots of new recipes! Here's a peek at my Everyone deServes to Eat board on Pinterest...there are recipes stacking up that I haven't tried yet but definitely want to.  Like the eggplant, prosciutto, pesto and roasted pepper sandwiches...yum!

9.  Be outside more.  Our neighborhood is nice and peaceful, I'd love to get out at night and take some sunset strolls. If you go to the top of the hill by our house, you can see the Philly skyline.   There are also some really nice parks, trails, and yacht clubs around, which we haven't explored much yet.

10. Enjoy it! Last summer was very stressful- we were house-hunting, I started my post-grad program, and I was teaching summer school.  I'm hoping to wake up each day a little bit more grateful for the time off that I do have, while enjoying the things that do come across my path. 

"You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf."

What's on your bucket list?  Link up with Deanna Jump!