February Currently

Happy Super Bowl Sunday!  Are you a football fan?  I'm really a half-time show kind of person.  Give me a sparkly skirt and a marching band and I'm in heaven.  I always had dreams of being the drum majorette in high school, and then I went to a high school that didn't have a marching band.  So there went that dream!

Anyway, as it's the first of the month I'm happily linking up with Farley to share what's going on in this head!

1. How does her hair stay so perfect in the midst of all that dust, dirt, and construction apparatus? Blows my mind.  My hair looks great for the first 5 minutes after I style it, and then it's all downhill.

2. Speaking of hair, I needed to try something new in the styling department.  I have medium/long brown hair that is thick, but very very fine.  It rarely holds a curl or volume, but I want Duchess of Cambridge hair.  So I looked up some tutorials on youtube, and everything pointed to a styling brush.  It's like a blow dryer, brush, and curling iron in one.  I've been using it for the past few weeks and am so amazed with how shiny and bouncy it makes my hair.  Almost Duchess style...more like Pippa at this point but I'll take what I can get!

3. My husband ordered a state-of-the-art treadmill for us to use.  I noticed that with the cold weather I wasn't walking Lacey as much- just letting her out in the yard.  This one has an ipad-type thing built in, a heart monitor, and it can even walk for you!  Just kidding.  But I'm really excited about the fact that I can read and blog while I walk!

4. And by decorate I mean change the frame that still has FALL in it and put up a V-Day print. Any day now.

5. After February 28th, I will not be teaching any more.  I'm still going to be at school, and my title will still be teacher, but no teaching will come out of me.  In other words, testing has taken over my spring schedule.  Here's a rundown: 

1st-3rd weeks of March: testing
1st week of April: spring break
1st-3rd weeks of May: testing
June 14: last day

So, no pressure on this month.  Just have to fit in EVERYTHING I need to teach before the 28th. Wish me luck.

6.  I know I mentioned wanting to be a drum majorette, but what I really wanted to be when I grew up was a lawyer or an ambassador.  I minored in French and International Studies in college and was pretty sure I'd go into foreign affairs.  I've always been interested in diplomacy, and loved taking courses on it in college.  Those courses have served me well on my journey to be an administrator; I'm never quick to take sides and I can (usually!!) make an informed decision after hearing both sides of a situation.  

That's it for my Currently, but before you go, take a look at these brand-new resources to my TPT shop.  They're on sale just for today!

Have a great month!