Five for Friday

It's been a while since I linked up with Doodle Bugs for Five for Friday! Here's a glimpse of my week.

1.  I had one of "those" days this week, when by 9:00 am I was already wishing for a do-over.  Luckily, Anne of Green Gables reminded me that tomorrow can only be better.  And it was!

2. Two of my students came in suspiciously holding something behind their backs.  On cue, they shouted "Happy Valentine's Day!" and then started giggling behind their hands.  I lost it.  I didn't cry one glamorous tear, no, I blubbered.  I believe something to the effect of "I just love you guys so much," was uttered.  I can't be sure.  

3. One of my kiddos is having a really hard time learning to read and write.  And listen and speak.  He's just struggling all around.  I carved out some time in my schedule so we can do "Back to Basics" work, like syntax and word families.  As you can see, we have a lot of work to do!  

4.  One afternoon I looked around my classroom and decided to spring winter clean.  I made room on my bookshelves by evicting some of my least-read books.  I put them on a shelf by the front door and told my kids to take some home to read.  New books for them + more space for me = happy campers.

5. I was flipping through instagram or pinterest or a blog or something (social media overload) when I came across a heart made from puzzle pieces.  I knew I had to make one! I headed to my local craft store and picked up the box of puzzles with the most red in it.  I cut out some stiff cardstock into the shape of a heart, then started hot gluing pieces randomly.  I love how it came out!  I made one for my house, one for my classroom, and one for my teammate, and still had pieces left!


That's my week in a nutshell.  Have a great weekend!