Spring Resource Roundup and Giveaway!

Happy Spring!

I'm hopping by to share some of my favorite resources for the spring, and to do a little giveaway because my birthday is coming up and, well, why not?!

Read through the descriptions and then enter the giveaway at the bottom.  Click any picture to see the preview at TPT.

1. Many of my ELL's are unfamiliar with major US sporting events.  This set of reading passages covers the major events throughout the year, including March Madness and the Stanley Cup,

2. I usually teach about hibernation during the fall, but I like to teach about habitats during the spring.  I find the forest habitat easiest to teach about, since we can go take a nature walk in the trees right near our school.  Do you desert-dwellers feel the same about your own habitat?

3. Spring fever- it is contagious.  Scientifically proven by teachers around the world.  If your classroom is in need of a little mid-year management, check these out! They are completely editable!

4.  I love teaching about seasons, months, and weather.  My littles often come to me with no sense of  the chronological passing of time, so this unit can get pretty in depth! I find myself referencing some of these pages every time the seasons change.  

5.  I love doing author studies at the end of the year, especially after testing.  It's so comforting to kick back with a bunch of books and do some research, knowing that the testing is behind us and we can focus on the good stuff!

6. March is Women's History Month, and if your learners are on the older/more proficient side, this diary is just the ticket.  It chronicles three American female spies.  

7. This pack came out of desperation, and the realization that Main Idea, Theme, and Cause & Effect were skills that were sorely lacking from my ELLs' reading skills.  So I spent one spring break working day and night on passages, stories, and posters that would put them on the reading trinity fast track.  I pull from this unit all the time! 

There you have it! My spring must-haves.  Now it's your turn- tell me what your spring must haves are (they can be products, clothes, food, anything) and then enter the giveaway below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck!