Currently April

Hooray for April! I'm starting off the month with Spring Break, so I know it will be a great month.  Here's what's up for this month's currently.

First of all, how cute are those chicks? I love the way they're all lined up.

1. I like to start off my morning with some "mood" music.  Not that kind of mood! I choose my Pandora station based on what the day will bring.  If we're doing presentations, I put on Broadway.  If we're working on a project, I put on Top Hits so we can move and groove.  If we're taking a test, I put on classical.  Today is the last day before Spring Break, so I put on some good old Jimmy Buffett and the Beach Boys to get us in the mood for warmer weather.

2. Spring Break.  Starts today.  Hallelujah.

3. Next week I'll be taking the exam (kind of like a Praxis) to become a Principal.  Next week I will also start studying.  I have terrible-awful study skills and prefer to take tests cold.  But this test cost $425 so you bet your bottom dollar that I will be studying. 

4. I have plans here and there for Spring Break, but thankfully my week isn't too packed.  I already have Sunday night blues and it hasn't even started yet!

5. I keep saying, "I'll just paint my own toes."  Never happens.  And really, they do such a much better job than I do!

6.  Although I currently teach ESL, I won't be a teacher forever, and I think my blog name will suit my career as an administrator as well.

That's it for me!  Link up with Fabulous Farley for your Currently!